Arctic LTER Code of Conduct

Version 1.1

The NSF Arctic LTER project (ARC LTER) is committed to fostering research, education, and community engagement in a welcoming environment, and to building a representative community of scientists. The ARC LTER Code of Conduct includes all expectations of conduct provided in the NSF LTER Network Code of Conduct ( ), and the University of Alaska Toolik Field Station (UAF-TFS) Code of Conduct ( ), where much of the ARC LTER field research occurs (additional resources are found at the end of this document). Everyone associated with the ARC LTER is expected to abide by these codes of conduct in all situations and venues and is responsible for holding our community to these standards. Note that most institutions have their own research ethics standards and training, and this document for the ARC LTER does not supersede those standards but is complementary to them.

Beyond this Code of Conduct, the ARC LTER maintains documents on our project Operating Principles, and field and lab safety rules and policies are presented in other documents.

Expected Behavior

  • Treat everyone with respect, consideration, fairness, and kindness
  • Find value in different views and opinions, including those you do not share, and communicate openly by critiquing ideas rather than individuals
  • Foster a welcoming and supportive community
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech, whether in person, in print, or online
  • Promote physical and mental health, and lab and field safety
  • Be fair, responsible, and accountable when you supervise, manage, instruct, and advise others
  • Ethically conduct research, teaching, and community engagement
  • Abide by principles of academic integrity and ethical professional conduct
  • Respect and responsibly use project and personal property
  • Promote a culture of compliance with federal, state, and local laws, including permitting regulations

Unacceptable Behavior (this is not an exhaustive list)

  • Physical or verbal abuse and assault or sexual misconduct including assault, stalking, or relationship violence
  • Harassment, discrimination, intimidation, coercion, retaliation, or bullying in any form
    • Verbal offenses include comments, epithets, slurs, stereotyping, and threats that are offensive, hostile, disrespectful, or unwelcome.
    • Non-verbal offenses include actions, displays, or discussion of any written or graphic material that ridicules, insults, belittles, or shows hostility, aversion, or disrespect toward a group or individual, including the use of sexual images in public spaces or in presentations.
  • Behavior that endangers the health and safety of oneself or others
  • Unethical research, including falsification of data or information
  • Illegal activity, including possession or use of local or federally illegal substances
  • Violation of local, state, or federal laws, and violation of field station or university rules

Sanctions for Unacceptable Behavior

Sanctions will be commensurate with the nature and severity of the offense, whether violations have been persistent, and the impact of the offense on any other people involved. Illegal activity or criminal offenses will be reported to the authorities. All employees or others associated with the ARC LTER are subject to the rules and policies of their home institutions. People working out of the Toolik Field Station are also subject to rules and regulations in the TFS Code of Conduct, which take precedence over other regulations when people are at TFS. Possible sanctions from home institutions or TFS include the following (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Warning
  • Probation
  • Confiscation of illegal goods
  • Restitution
  • Reassignment of work activities
  • Paid or unpaid leave of absence
  • Removal from the Toolik Field Station (review the TFS Code of Conduct)
  • Suspension or expulsion from the ARC LTER
  • Termination of employment

Reporting Misconduct, Conflict Resources

The ARC LTER project is committed to preventing sexual misconduct and offering support to those who have been harmed. Sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, and all forms of sexual misconduct have no place on our project. Because the ARC LTER includes collaborators from many institutions and universities, there is no overarching portal for reporting misconduct. Please ask your immediate supervisor for your organization’s policies, and refer to the resources available below. 

UAF Toolik Field Station – Title IX and Reporting Options

Columbia University – Title IX and Policies

University of Michigan – Sexual Misconduct

University of Michigan – Conflict Resources

ARC LTER Project Rules – Living and Working at Toolik Field Station

We expect everyone operating out of Toolik Field Station (TFS) to obey the TFS rules, and all field and lab safety protocols for TFS and the ARC LTER. ARC LTER personnel or collaborators working at other field sites are subject to the rules of those sites. Additional rules specific to the ARC LTER project are listed here. Note that ARC LTER Project Managers (see our Operating Principles), including Senior Research Associates, will report infractions of these rules to the appropriate supervisors and Principal Investigators.

  • No personal or unauthorized use of project vehicles
  • Project vehicles must be checked-out and personnel, destination and purpose, and times of use recorded prior to use
  • Solo fieldwork must be cleared by an onsite supervisor. As a general guideline, solo field work away from the close vicinity of the Toolik Field Station or away from the Dalton Highway (~2-mile radius) is not allowed
  • Solo hiking trips must be recorded prior to departure with a destination and times of departure and return. In general, solo hiking away from the close vicinity of the Toolik Field Station or away from the Dalton Highway (~2-mile radius) is not allowed

Anyone found breaking these rules will be reported to their supervising Principal Investigator and to the ARC LTER Executive Committee, and will face the appropriate sanctions listed above.

Additional Resources

NSF LTER Network Code of Conduct

NSF Polar Programs Code of Conduct

University of Alaska, Toolik Field Station Code of Conduct

Columbia University Code of Conduct

University of Michigan Code of Conduct

University of Michigan Department of EEB Code of Conduct (pdf file)

University of Michigan Department of EEB Conflict Resources

Ethical Research

NSF science integrity policy

NSF code of conduct guidelines

Inuit Circumpolar Council, ICC Protocols for Ethical Engagement

Arctic Research – A Guide

Code of Conduct Version 1.0 approved by the ARC LTER Executive Committee, May 2023

Code of Conduct Version 1.1 approved by the ARC LTER Executive Committee, February 2025