The ARC LTER has a long history of attracting complementary collaborating projects to Toolik.  These projects greatly extend the intellectual significance and applications of LTER research; they contribute additional context and greatly enhance the value of LTER data and knowledge. Long term experiments and data are often used to extended and enhance the research that is done. Many of these projects use the ARC LTER database as a repository for their data.
We are working to update this list for our current funding cycle, ARC-LTER VII.
- AON: Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance
- Arctic Photochemistry
- Arctic River Integrated Observing through Synoptic sampling (RIOS)
- Coupled biological and photochemical degradation of dissolved organic carbon
- Changing Seasonality and Arctic Stream Networks
- Controls on Belowground Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Tundra Ecosystems
- Ecotypic Variation in Tundra Plants
- Fire in the Arctic Landscape
- FISHSCAPE: Adaptability of a key Arctic freshwater species to climate change
- ITEX: Canopy structure and CO2 exchange of arctic ecosystems
- Multi-trophic impacts of climate warming in Arctic tundra
- Physical Limnology of Arctic Lakes
- Thermokarst Failures in Arctic Landscapes
- Welker IPY Snow Manipulation in Shrub Tundra